“Stop and go” work signs or “stop works” signs can be very useful for shorter duration works where multiple sites might be required in a day or when works might be on and off for short durations at a time.
Depending on the length of the works site, we can carry out stop and go with only one operative but most of the time two operatives would be required.
Stop works signs are particularly useful at construction sites and can be used to help with safe access and egress of site.
We have “robo” stop and go boards that can be controlled wirelessly meaning that an operative can be positioned in a more strategic point nearer the works area for example instead of where the board is.
We can assist through all the stages, including:
- initial planning
- applying for permits
- installing
- maintaining
- hiring
- removing the equipment

If you have any Traffic control by Stop/Go Signs requirements that you need help with, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.
Office: 0208 667 9687
Email: info@trafficmanagement.london