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Traffic Management London Ltd is a London based company designing temporary traffic management across the whole of London and beyond.

We were put in touch with Manorfield Primary School by Michael Barratt at TfL, who has been helping with food deliveries to pupils & their families during these challenging times. We are looking to compliment the fantastic work of the food deliveries by helping to complete some maintenance and refurbishment projects. The purpose is to give the children as good an environment as possible when they transition back into school. Please join us in donating generously to the Traffic Management London Ltd appeal for Manorfield.

Manorfield Primary School is set in one of the most deprived areas of England & has complex needs to meet in terms of social, economic, health, language & cultural challenges in the community it serves. To achieve its goal of developing the whole child, the school must pay equal attention to its students’ educational, personal & social needs. These go well beyond the areas covered by statutory funding & extend outside the school into work with parents & the local community.

Traffic Management London Ltd, who’s appeal for Manorfield Charitable Foundation (who work in partnership with the school) aims to raise money to help fund these projects ready for the return to school, and thus giving all pupils the benefit of improved spaces and facilities.

Please give what you can so as we can make a difference now for when pupils return, but also for the future to help the development of every child who attends Manorfield Primary School.

To donate please click on the link below and donate what you can, and tell friends, family and businesses to get involved.


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