Temporary traffic lights can be a great way of keeping traffic flowing past the works site if a running traffic lane can be maintained. Traffic light permits will often be cheaper than road closure permits from highways authorities as less disruption will be caused.

We can provide set-ups from simple two-way traffic lights all the way up to complicated multi-phase junctions controlling up to 34 heads, 9 traffic phases and 8 pedestrian crossings at the same time.

Traffic lights can be manually controlled and held on all red, this form of control is particularly beneficial with tree surgery as traffic can flow under shuttle lane for most of the works but then traffic can be completely stopped if danger of branches falling across both lanes of the road.

We have state-of-the-art traffic light systems using the newest technology.

We can assist through all the stages, including initial planning, applying for permits, installing, maintaining, operating, hiring and removing the equipment.

Temporary traffic lights


If you have any Traffic control by Stop/Go sign requirements that you need help with, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Office: 0208 667 9687
Email: info@trafficmanagement.london


Contact us today and we will be more than happy to help with your Temporary Traffic Lights.