Planning Your Construction Project

If you are planning and to undertake a construction project, big or small in London then you will most likely need our help.

As part of the discharge of planning you will need to submit a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) or a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) and possibly a Construction Management Plan (CMP) these reports are very specific and if not completed correctly can delay the discharge of planning.

Here at Traffic Management London Ltd we have years of experience successfully undertaking and producing these reports. We will undertake the consultation with local residents and businesses and produce CAD drawings to show vehicle routes, loading areas and site set up to support the report. This approach along with our expertise is why we believe we have a 96% success rate for approval from local authority planning.

If your project is of a larger scale it might also be prudent to consider when planning your site other aspects. The impact of a site with scaffolding, hoarding and HGV’s coming and going can affect not just local residents and businesses but the public and road users as a whole.

We can help with the design of site set ups to consider the need to ensure no one is put at a disadvantage when passing by your site. Disability access at construction can often be overlooked when it comes to the finer details. We can work with you to make sure you have identified all aspects and will implement a design which cause the least disruption and allows the continued safe passage for all. This is not something you should consider doing it is something you must do as part of the Disability and Equality Act and planning this correctly could save time and money later.

Another thing to take particular consideration of is Opportunity Crime. This is something that is good practice and whilst not mandatory it does help with the Considerate Constructers Scheme and shows the commitment of your company to the safety of all. Opportunity Crime isn’t just about the safety of the site and protecting your own materials, tools, and plant but also of the public who may feel uncomfortable passing by hoarding or through gantry tunnels, especially at night.

We can carry out an assessment to see where there might be potential points where the opportunist criminal could take advantage. By making very simple and inexpensive changes we can show you how, and what to consider preventing such actions.

Please get in touch to discuss any of our services with our friendly professional team. A full list of our services can be found on our website

We look forward to speaking with you and wish you all well.